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Addictive behaviors

Journal Volume: 41C
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2014
Articles in SafetyLit: 14

A field investigation of the effects of drinking consequences on young adults' readiness to change

Alcohol mixed with energy drinks are robustly associated with patterns of problematic alcohol consumption among young adult college students

Alcohol myopia and sexual abdication among women: Examining the moderating effect of child sexual abuse

Alcohol use among reserve-dwelling adult First Nation members: use, problems, and intention to change drinking behavior

Blood alcohol concentration is negatively associated with gambling money won on the Iowa gambling task in naturalistic settings after controlling for trait impulsivity and alcohol tolerance

Causal pathways between impulsiveness, cocaine use consequences, and depression

Changes in gender and racial/ethnic disparities in rates of cigarette use, regular heavy episodic drinking, and marijuana use: ages 14 to 32

Drowning the pain: intimate partner violence and drinking to cope prospectively predict problem drinking

Frequency of drinking games participation and alcohol-related problems in a multiethnic sample of college students: Do gender and ethnicity matter?

Internet addiction disorder and problematic use of Google Glass™ in patient treated at a residential substance abuse treatment program

Longitudinal family effects on substance use among an at-risk adolescent sample

PTSD-related alcohol expectancies and impulsivity interact to predict alcohol use severity in a substance dependent sample with PTSD

Understanding the service needs of assault-injured, drug-using youth presenting for care in an urban Emergency Department

Violence and non-violence-related injuries and alcohol in women from developed and developing countries: A multi-site emergency room study